NotePlan Plugins

Automate tasks, track stats, and more with plugins for notes and organization.

Various Event Automations: - Automatically find time in your calendar and create Time Blocks for items marked for today, - Write out synced copies of Today's todos (without the Aut...
A Dashboard for NotePlan, that in one place shows - a compact list of open tasks and checklists from today's note - scheduled open tasks and checklists from other notes. - Similarl...
Helping you move faster with dates and times
Commands to extend NotePlan's events handling, including calendar lists, time blocks, and date offset templating. See link for more details, and configuration.
Plugin to track your expenses for further analyis
Get fast access to commonly-used notes. Set any Project Note(s) as a Favorites and have quick access to choose/open the file
Help file (move) the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or heading and its section, to different notes. Please see details for more, err, details.
Generate summaries from notes for a given time period and saves to notes; show heatmap of when tasks were completed. Click link for more details and settings.
Support for daily journalling in NotePlan, including start-of-day template, and end-of-day review questions. Before use it requires some configuration: please see website for detai...
Interactively helps you form links/x-callback-urls (and also Template Tags with runPlugin commands) to perform actions from within NotePlan or between other applications and NotePl...
Make Map of Contents, and save to a notes. Click link for more details and settings.
Write basic math in your NotePlan notes and use this plugin to calculate it.
Automations for handling Tasks: - Overdue/Forgotten task scanning - Task sorting within a note - Copying #tags/@mentions from one task to another - Mark all tasks in note open/comp...
Shows HTML preview of the current note, including Mermaid diagrams and MathJax equations. Requires NP v3.9.2.
Making it easier to work with Project notes in NotePlan. Start, regularly review, pause, complete and cancel projects. Inspired by the PARA and 'Getting Things Done' methods, but m...
Commands to more quickly add tasks/todos or general text to NotePlan notes. See website for configuration of special Inbox note, and how to use from other apps through x-callback c...
Commands to extend the built-in @repeat() mechanism with much more flexible time periods. To work it needs 'append completion date' turned on in Preferences > Todo.
Allows searches to be saved and re-run, to use more powerful search operators, and be done over specified time periods. Click link for more details and settings.
Shared resources for NotePlan plugins. (There are no commands for users to run directly.)
Tidy up and delete various things in your NotePlan notes
Import and sync tasks between Todoist and Noteplan
Tools to help manage NotePlan windows on macOS, notably save and restore particular window layouts ('Window Sets').