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πŸ”Ž Search Extensions

Allows searches to be saved and re-run, to use more powerful search operators, and be done over specified time periods. Click link for more details and settings.

v1.5.0.b1by Jonathan Clark

πŸ”Ž Search Extensions plugin

NotePlan can search over your notes, but it is currently not very flexible or easy to use; in particular it's difficult to navigate between the search results and any of the actual notes it shows. This plugin adds some extra power and usability to searching. It:

  • lets you have keep special notes that lists all open tasks for @colleagueX that you can update in place!
  • extends the search syntax to allow much more control, including wildcards
  • by default the search runs and saves the results in a note that it opens as a split view next to where you're working.
  • these saved searches can be refreshed automatically when you open the note to consult it.
  • (v2) lets you replace as well as search.


The Search commands

  • /flexiSearch presents a dialog box which allows you to select all available options, without needing to know which of the following specific commands to call.


    Note: when /flexiSearch is run on iPhone or iPad you will need to close the dialog box by pressing the X in the top right-hand corner after the search has run. (I'm trying to find a way around this limitation.)

  • /quickSearch searches across all notes (both calendar and regular notes), saving to a pre-set 'Quick Search Results' note. (Alias: /qs.)

  • /search searches across all notes (both calendar and regular notes). (Alias: /ss.)

  • /searchOpenTasks searches just across open tasks in all notes.

  • /searchOverNotes searches across all regular (non-calendar) notes.

  • /searchOverCalendar searches across all calendar notes.

  • /searchInPeriod: searches over the calendar (daily, weekly etc.) notes of the time period you select:

    selecting a period

Results Display

The results are always saved to a note with the search terms as its title in a "Saved Searches" folder (which is created if necessary). If the same search terms are used again they will update the same note. You also are given the option of saving to the current note, or to the plugin console. The exception is /quickSearch, which always saves to the same "Quick Search Results" note.

As the results are saved to a note, the following sorts of uses are then possible:

  • keep a note with all open tasks for a particular @person -- as live tasks that can be ticked off
  • keep track of all the great @wins or clever #ideas you noted down
  • show all the things you had Gratitude: for in your daily journal

There are two display styles:

  1. 'NotePlan': all results are shown as the usual NotePlan style of tasks, bullets, quotes or just notes. Note: Where a task is an open one, then a sync'd copy of it is shown, to stop duplication of tasks in NotePlan. This makes it a good way of having a special note that you can easily refresh that lists all open tasks for @personX.
  2. 'Simplified': all results are shown as bullets, and can be reduced in length if required using the 'Result quote length' setting.

There are further display options you can set:

  • 'Highlight matching search terms?' in the results. For this you need to use an appropriate theme: see below. Note: This is disabled if the search result is a 'Synced Line'.
  • 'Group results by Note?', where matches found within the same note are grouped together ('true' by default).
  • Where the match is in a calendar note, 'Date style' setting lets you choose where that link is shown as:
    • a 'date' formatted for your locale
    • as a NP date 'link' ([[2022-06-30]])
    • an 'at' date (@2022-06-30)
    • a 'scheduled' date (>2022-06-30).
  • the ordering of the results by the title, created date or changed date of the note the search term is found in.
  • the commands to automatically decides the name of the note to save the search results to based on the search term, which avoids the final prompt, by the 'Automatically save?' setting.

Refreshing Results

Each results note has a [πŸ”„ Refresh results for ...] pseudo-button under the title of the note. Clicking that runs the search again, and replaces the earlier set of results:

refresh results

A saved search can be automatically refreshed when opening it. To enable this, run "/add trigger" on the saved search note, and select "πŸ”Ž Search Extensions: 'refreshSavedSearch'" from the list. To turn this off again, just remove the line starting triggers: onOpen from the note's properties.

Extended search syntax

  • put a + and - search operator on the front of terms that must appear, and must not appear, respectively. For example +must may could -cannot" has 4 search terms, the first must be present, the last mustn't be present, and the middle two (may, could) can be.
  • the test for + and - is done per line in notes. If you wish to ignore the whole note that has a term, you can use the ! operator, e.g. +must_have_me !no_way_jose. (thanks @dwertheimer for this suggestion)
  • to search for an exact multi-word phrases, put it in double quotes (e.g. "Holy Spirit")
  • like the search in NotePlan, the searches default to ignoring the case of words (i.e. SPIRIT will match spirit or Spirit as well as SPIRIT). However, you can select "Case Sensitive searching" option in settings and the FlexiSearch dialog.
  • the searches are simple ones, matching on whole or partial words (e.g. wind matches Windings and unwind). This is what the search in NotePlan does. However, you set the "Match only on full words?" option in settings and the FlexiSearch dialog.
  • you can also use two wildcard operators:
    • * in a term means "match any number of characters (including none)" -- e.g. pos*e matches "possible", "posie" and "pose".
    • ? in a term means "match any single character" -- e.g. poli?e matches "polite" and "police".
  • you can use an empty search term (from v1.1), which might be useful in flexiSearch to find all open tasks. It will warn you first that this might be a lengthy operation.
  • all notes in the special Trash folder are ignored. Others can be excluded too using the 'Folders to exclude' setting. If a folder is excluded, then so are its sub-folders.
  • you can set default search terms in the 'Default Search terms' setting; if set you can still always override them.

The Replace commands

v2.0 adds the following commands:

  • /replace over all notes does search and replaces across both calendar and regular notes. (Alias: /repl.)
  • /replace over Regular notes does search and replaces across all regular (non-calendar) notes. (Alias: /replreg.)
  • /replace over Calendar notes does search and replaces across calendar notes. (Alias: /replcal.)

All of them first show the number of occurrences found (and writes the details of each to the Plugin console log), and checks that you wish to proceed. Note: Please use this carefully, as there is no way (with the current API) to easily undo a replace operation. You would have to use the Versions menu item in each note to roll it back.


To change the default settings on macOS click the gear button on the 'Search Extensions' line in the Plugin Preferences panel to configure this plugin. Each setting has an explanation.

On iOS run the command "/Search: update plugin settings" which provides a multi-step equivalent to the more convenient macOS settings window.

Results highlighting

To see highlighting of matching terms in Simplified-style output, you'll need to be using a theme that highlights lines using ==this syntax==. The build-in themes now include this, but you can customise an existing theme by adding something like:

    "highlighted": {
      "regex": "(==)([^\\s].+)(==)",
      "backgroundColor": "#55D2D21B",
      "order": 35,
      "matchPosition": 2,
      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true
    "highlighted-left-marker": {
      "regex": "(==)([^\\s].+)(==)",
      "color": "#AA45A2E5",
      "backgroundColor": "#7745A2E5",
      "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
      "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
      "matchPosition": 1
    "highlighted-right-marker": {
      "regex": "(==)([^\\s].+)(==)",
      "color": "#AA45A2E5",
      "backgroundColor": "#7745A2E5",
      "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
      "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
      "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
      "matchPosition": 3

Note: I have reported a small layout bug with this highlighting that was introduced about v3.9.9.

Using from x-callback calls

It's possible to call these commands from outside NotePlan using the x-callback mechanism. The URL calls all take the same form:

noteplan://x-callback-url/runPlugin?pluginID=jgclark.SearchExtensions&command=<encoded command name>&arg0=<encoded string>&arg1=<encoded string>


  • the number and order of arguments you pass is important
  • where an argument isn't valid, don't include it
  • as with all x-callback URLs, all the arguments (including the command name) need to be URL encoded. For example, spaces need to be turned into '%20'.
  • the available 'note type' to include are calendar, notes or both.
  • the available 'paragraph types' are from the API: 'open', 'done', 'scheduled', 'cancelled', 'checklist', 'checklistDone', 'checklistScheduled', 'checklistCancelled', 'title', 'quote', 'list', 'empty', 'text', 'code', 'separator'. To not filter by type just pass the empty string, but otherwise the items need to be comma-separated.
  • where relevant 'destination' can be quick (Quick Search note), newnote (note specific to this search), current (to currently open note), or log (just send to console log).
  • Tip: use the Link Creator Plugin's "/Get x-callback-url" command to do the fiddly work for you ...
  • the callback parameters have changed since v1.x
Commandencoded command namearg0arg1arg2arg3arg4
/replace over ...replacesearch termreplacement textnote types (see above)paragraph types (see above)
(this takes no args: use this just to display the dialog box)
/quickSearchquickSearchsearch term(s) ΒΆnote typesparagraph types (see above)
/searchsearchOverAllsearch term(s)paragraph types (see above)destination (see above)
/searchOverCalendarsearchOverCalendarsearch term(s)paragraph types (see above)destination (see above)
/searchOverNotessearchOverNotessearch term(s)paragraph types (see above)destination (see above)
/searchOpenTaskssearchOpenTaskssearch term(s)note types (see above)destination (see above)
/searchInPeriodsearchInPeriodsearch term(s)note types (see above)paragraph types (see above)destination (see above)start date to search over (YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD format). If not given, then defaults to 3 months ago.

ΒΆ Note: /quickSearch can be called without any parameters (noteplan://x-callback-url/runPlugin?pluginID=jgclark.SearchExtensions&command=quickSearch); run this way it will prompt for search terms.

When commands are called this way, then it all works in the background without user interaction, except for the 'quickSearch' call, or when the destination type is 'quick'.


If you find an issue with this plugin, or would like to suggest new features for it, please raise a Bug or Feature 'Issue'. Note that it's particularly difficult to test, so please give as much context as possible.

I have spent at least 3.5 weeks of my time off on this plugin. If you would like to support my late-night work extending NotePlan through writing these plugins, you can through

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