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πŸ“’ Templating

Templating Plugin for NotePlan

v1.12.0by Mike Erickson (@codedungeon)

np.Templating Command Bar

🧩 np.Templating templating plugin for Noteplan

np.Templating is a template language plugin for NotePlan that lets you insert variables and method results into your notes. It will also let you execute custom JavaScript constructed in the templates providing a rich note taking system.


πŸ“– This README provides a quick overview of np.Templating, visit np.Templating website for comprehensive documention.


All commands can be invoked using the NotePlan Command Bar (Command-J then /) which NotePlan has reserved for plugin activation. Or by selecting 🧩 np.Templating from the Plugins menu)

np.Templating Command Bar

Once the command bar is displayed, you can continue typing any of the following commands to invoke the appropriate plugin command. In some case where specifically noted, you can alternately invoke the plugin command at the current insertion pointer within your document.

πŸ“– Visit np.Templating website for comprehensive documention

CommandAvailable InlineDescription
np:appendYesAppends selected template at end of current note (will show list of all available templates)
np:insertYesInsert selected template at cursor (will show list of all available templates)
np:invokeYesInvoke Template Command, using location key in template to determine injected template
contents into current
np:newYesCreates a new note from selected template and supplied note name
np:qtnYesInvokes Quick Note Generation (displays list of all type: quick-note)
np:updateYesInvokes settings update method
np:versionYesDisplays current np.Templating version


Copyright Β© 2022 Mike Erickson Released under the MIT license


Codedugeon Toolbox for NotePlan written by Mike Erickson

E-Mail: [email protected]


Twitter: @codedungeon


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