
Daily Note w/ Prompts & Events
Guides you through setting your mood, identifying key tasks, and seamlessly integrating calendar events with necessary plugins
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Daily Notes
This example uses three headings: Primary Focus (for the most important goal of the day), Tasks (you need to do to reach it) and Events (where all your calendar events for that day get listed).
Note: You need to install the Event Helper plugin to make the event listing work, otherwise it prints an error.
The tags used in this template are:
- <%- prompt('What's your mood today?',['π','π','π']) %> - a prompt will ask you to select one of the three emojis and prints the selected one
- <%- prompt('Most important task today?') %> - a prompt will ask you to enter a text value
- <%- listTodaysEvents({template:"- |START|-*|END|*: |TITLE|",allday_template:"- |TITLE|"}) %> - prints today's events in the given format (needs Event Helpers installed)