🧹 Task Sweeper
Move Overdue Tasks to selected date. This plugin also adds template functionality to sweep still-open tasks from project notes and previous calendar days into a template file. {{sweepTasks({limit:{ unit: day, num: 7 },includeHeadings:false})}}
Sweep Plugin
Quickly deal with overdue tasks. Reschedule/Move them all to today (or a day in the future)
Move/Reschedule all open tasks in current note to today's Calendar Note
Sweep (move or reschedule) All tasks from Calendar and Project Notes over a period of time to today's Calendar Note
Silently sweep notes from the last 7 days (no user interaction required) to today's Calendar Note
{{sweepTasks({limit:{ "unit": "month", "num": 1 }})}}
// Sweep open tasks from the last month from project and calendar notes, pasting just the tasks, no headings or indents above
{{sweepTasks({limit:{ "unit": "day", "num": 7 },includeHeadings:true, ignoreFolders:['📋 Templates',"AnotherFolderNotToSweep"]})}}
// Sweep open tasks from the 7 days, and include the headings or indents that the tasks were under in the original note, and do not sweep items in a note inside a folder named "AnotherFolderNotToSweep"
If you want to limit the sweepTask command in your templates you can use the noteTypes
option to cherry pick which
kind of types should be swept. If you only want calendar notes you can use:
{{sweepTasks({limit:{ "unit": "day", "num": 3 }, includeHeadings: false, noteTypes: ['calendar'] })}}
or to limit task sweeping to project notes (no calendar notes)
{{sweepTasks({limit:{ "unit": "day", "num": 3 }, includeHeadings: false, noteTypes: ['note'] })}}